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Snakky MaxIn some of the latest news regarding drinks vending machines comes the call to provide raw drinking milk in vending machines.

Currently, in the United Kingdom, raw milk can only be bought directly from farmers and cannot be bought anywhere else. The main reason for this rule is that raw milk can contain harmful bacteria including E.coli, lysteria and salmonella. But there are calls being made by the Food Standards Agency to relax these laws which stop such unpasteurised milk from being sold to the public.

During a public consultation the FSA found that most people were in favour of a relaxation to the current rules.

The way this relaxation would be introduced would be through drinks vending machines. According to briefing paper this was considered the best method of introducing more relaxed rules because the stock and temperatures of the drinks vending machines are strictly controlled and therefore the sale of the unpasteurised ilk would be safer.

What is more is that drinks vending machines provide raw milk across the EU as a norm.

While we choose not to comment on whether raw milk should be sold to the public through drinks vending machines, what we do want to happen is that drinks vending machines are known to be able to dispense drinks which are cooled to exacting temperatures and guidelines; something vending machine companies should be proud to advertise.