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cadburys copyIn exciting news within the vending machines industry, Cadbury has launched a brand new initiative which means their vending machines could give customers their perfect chocolate bar match by using information it retrieves from Facebook.

The vending machine has been tested in Sydney, Australia and Cadbury used the information pulled form Facebook to match the perfect Cadbury chocolate bar to each individual customer.

The “Joy Generator” as it has been named, matched bars such as Crunchies, Turkish Delight and Cadbury’s Caramel to each customer based on their personal preferences.

The chocolate vending machine test lasted for just one day in total and dispensed a free chocolate bar to each customer who signed up to allow the machine to access their Facebook profile.

The machine is operated by touchscreen technology; a technology which is becoming increasingly common for vending machines.

Red Agency ran the event and is a company which has broken new ground by generating the technology to link flavour with peoples’ Facebook profiles. The app, Flavour Matcher, looks set to stay around and may even be expanded to other countries.

This is one in a string of events in which large corporations have used vending machines to raise their brand awareness and spread a bit of “joy”. Pepsi and Coca Cola have led the way but it’s exciting to see a chocolate vending machine join this growing trend and push the boundaries of what vending machines can achieve.