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kobaltoOffice vending machines are a real asset in any office environment because they offer workers such flexibility. With lunchtimes getting shorter and working hours longer, it is more difficult for employees to go into town or to the pub for a lunch break. Now, many people choose to “eat and work” and office vending machines make this a real possibility.

Vending machines within the office environment are becoming a much more regular occurrence. There are many reasons why this is the case. One of the main factors is that workers are taking shorter lunch breaks and working longer hours than the standard 9-5. With lunch hours becoming more like 20 minute toilet and snack breaks, vending machines can really offer a fantastic service.

Vending machines in offices offer a very flexible service because vending machines do not need to be manned. They offer snacks, beverages and a wide range of foods 24/7, seven days a week. They are cheap to run as unlike a cafe or canteen, there is only one member of staff required to stock, clean and carry out maintenance works to the vending machine as opposed to a team of workers which carry a much higher cost and overheads.

Vending machines in offices also offer high quality products which can be better than that of their canteen counterparts. So staff can enjoy a healthy salad which can be vended at any time, cooled to perfection and then quickly get back to their work.

Employers may also like vending machines as an option in their office when workers would otherwise have to drive off site to get their lunch in a nearby town. Vending machines offer an alternative for workers and also means that office employees do not take large amounts of time on their lunch breaks fending for food.