0208 617 1314

starfoodHot food vending machines are vending machines which do exactly that – dispense hot food to customers who wish to purchase something more than a cold snack like crisps, cake or treats. A hot food vending machine is a great addition to have in a variety of different settings.

For instance, a hot dog machine is an ideal hot food vending machine to have within your sports ground; who doesn’t want that snack at a baseball game half time?

Hot food vending machines can dispense a range of different products including warmed popcorn, pasties, pies, chips, pizzas, hot dogs, burgers and many other items. The foods do not all have to be unhealthy snacks but can be meals such as cottage pies, pasta dishes, stir fry and much more.

Hot food vending machines are an ideal way of providing people with a quick alternative to restaurant or cafe eating which also come with a higher price tag. In just a few minutes, hot food can be dispensed from vending machines which is far quicker than restaurants and cafes can manage. It also offers the flexibility of on-the-move eating which is becoming more necessary in today’s society. We do not mean for hot food vending machines to take the place of restaurants – rather that they offer a great alternative for those who want the benefit of a hot snack or meal but without the long wait.