0208 617 1314

vending front topNowadays healthy eating is always close to the top of the agenda and many people have completely changed the way they eat in order to remain healthy and look after their wellbeing. At Pure Food Systems we find offering customers a healthy range of items to purchase a very important part of our work.

We supply a large range of machines which in turn offer a wide variety of healthy vending items. These machine are offered to every location. In our experience, gymnasiums, leisure centres, swimming pools, athletics centres, sporting arenas and some offices wish to include healthy snacks for their consumers.

Taking gyms as an example, most attendees of gyms are there in order to be healthy, exercise and look after their bodies so it is vitally important that healthy vending machines are situated within these locations.

Having healthy snacks and drinks available to  gym goers can help them to work out in a safe way. For instance, supplying healthy items such as protein bars, flapjacks, fruits, isotonic drinks and ready-made protein shakes are all part of a healthy work out routine.

As a result, we have put together a range of healthy snacks for our vending machines.These include items which can be found in leisure centres but also offices. For instance, we provide salads sandwiches, fruit and healthy snacks for all our vending machines so there is always a healthy option available to our clients.