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Canto TouchIn March this year, major strides were taken in the coffee vending machine market as Whitbread bought out brand Coffee Nation.

Coffee Nation is a massive brand which has grown over the years and established itself as the strongest leader when it comes to coffee vending machines across the UK, being found in hospitals, most service stations and petrol stations who have coffee vending machines and many other locations.

The company is looking to launch self-service coffee vending machines under the name Costa Express. There are currently 900 Coffee Nation machines across the UK and Whitbread – which owns Costa Coffee – is looking to open 300 Costa coffee vending machines over the next 5 years.

The company is excited about its new venture as it believes Coffee Nation has opened a new market with its self-service coffee vending machines offering freshly ground coffee and fresh milk – a massive step in the right direction for coffee vending machines.

With 1200 Costa Coffee outlets in the UK, Whitbread is taking its position in the coffee market very seriously. The company also owns the Premier Inn and Beefeater restaurants.

Whitbread paid £59.5m for the Coffee Nation brand.