Vending Machines, Water Coolers and Coffee Machines in the UK


With Over 120 Used Coffee, Snack and Drinks and Combination Vending Machines In Stock. We are able to offer lower Prices than most other Companies.

From 5 to 500 cups per hour For the supreme drink we specialise in Ingredient machines

With our quality after care service programme it leaves you to look after your business and us to care for your machine 

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Vending Machine In School .....

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There has been a study program held in 2000 which the survey answered that there were 43% of schools at elementary level, 89.4% middle or junior high, and 98.2% of senior high schools which had vending machines or a store, snack bar or canteen which students could buy foods or beverages.

The foods or beverages listed above are regarded as "competitive foods" these in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are foods served outside of meals either school breakfast, lunch or school snack programs.

In 2004 Arkansas the state in the USA were the only school at that date which passed a law banning vending machines in the elementary schools. Not just state's, there have been some cities and local schools districts have taken the lead and put in place policies to ban or replace certain foods and beverages.

In the UK schools have been making head way at removing certain machines and encouraging the use of health food options to avoid the usual snack machines. In the UK there have been many talks and details regarding the school vending machines health matter. Recently over the last few years there has been a demand for "No More Junk Food In School Vending Machines". Due to reports the change in school improvement vending machines is happening.

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